Each week we send out surveys so that you, your loved ones and your therapists can track your mood and cravings. This is done so that you can see where you are at and also have an objective record of how far you have come. These resources below are valuable skills-based tools to help if someone is showing signs of struggling with symptoms of anxiety.
- This video will pair nicely with the worksheet below. It is a video that explains in depth the cycle of anxiety and what may be going on for you!
- This worksheet will help you to understand the cycle of anxiety and how it manifests. This worksheet will help you to understand the basics of anxiety, the rationale behind certain types of therapies and the importance of overcoming avoidance!
- This worksheet dives right into explaining anxiety. The topics include symptoms, types of anxiety, the cycle of avoidance and ways to overcome it!
- This worksheet is wonderful for explaining coping tools if you are feeling anxious. It describes 4 strategies to use for reducing anxiety. It includes a brief description and instructions on how to perform each tool!
- This worksheet gives you an introduction into understanding anxiety a little better. Additionally, it will give you a chance to begin identifying your triggers and symptoms!
- If you are having anxiety that is manifesting through worrying, then this is a good worksheet for you! This will allow you to better understand what you are feeling and ways to challenge some of those worry beliefs!
- This worksheet is great if you are dealing with stress, anxiety or substance use issues. It will help you identify both positive and negative coping tools so that you can begin to eliminate negatives and focus on the positive ones that are helpful and healthy!
- If you find yourself “catastrophizing” situations, then this is the worksheet for you! Catastrophic thinking is completely normal and everyone, to some extent does this. This worksheet will help you to see where you are exaggerating things and will help you to hone and focus your thinking to bring your anxiety down!
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